Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Ever get going on writing something, you're steaming along, all is working well and then *thwack*......nothing? I fucking hate that. I *know* what I want to happen in the section I've suddenly hit a wall in, I *know* what's going on, but the words are not coming.

Fucking hate that shit. GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!

On the upside, I've churned out 1,138 words this morning. I might just skip over the blanking section for the moment and move to the next section, and fill in the missing part later when it finally decides to show up.


Anonymous said...

Where's that wall at? I brought my trusty lil sledge with me. I'll get broke down for you in a flash. celeste, start swinging girl while I go make me a sandwhich.

You'll be fine hon. Sometimes it is best to just stay away and go do something else and let things sort themselves out. I know with myself when ever I have tried to write anything it has always came to me in spurts. I always have ideas of the path the story should take but it is the gap fillers to get there that stump me at times, but eventually it all comes together as I am sure it will for you too.

Are you done yet celeste? Damn I make a mean sandwich.

Anonymous said...

edit: stay away = step away

Vamp said...

lol...well, I've currently stepped back from it at the moment, usually the creative mind unlocks somehow while on the streetcar. Can't figure that one out.