Thursday, November 16, 2006

Wee update

So I was writing the other night, and found myself facing a massive block.

I get Kellie & David to the crime scene, and David asks Kellie to open herself up to the psychic imprint of the area.

And then it hit me. I don't know the first thing of how a psychic would do that! Gods did I feel like an idiot.

Well, I went to the paranormal forum I moderate on (Ghostvillage for those wondering), popped into the General Board and posted a query to the members who have pyschic abilities. Got a good response, now I just have to read through what I got (printed and tucked into my scribble book) and then write it out in a manner that will be a good read.

Gotta love it when you have contacts like that, eh? :)

I do feel a little on the guilty side, I'm still under 10,000 (although once I actually write the above mentioned part, I'll be over). Right now I have this horrible, terrible feeling that I simply will not hit 50,000. I'm not going to give up if I don't, don't get me wrong. But I'm wondering if I can actually, at this point, hit 50,000 by the 3oth. Maybe I shouldn't have poked my head into the NaNoWriMo forum to see all these people at 30K and 40K already. Kinda made me feel a little shitty, although it's not the fault of those people.

I sent a copy of the story to my parents and my brother & sister-in-law. Mommy says I'm a good writer. Gotta love mommies! Dad hasn't had a chance to read it yet, he's been more than a little swamped. I've not heard a word from my brother & sister in law, but that's I still lubs them. ;)

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