Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Random Rambles

I'm 90% better today. Still have a cough and occassional stuffed-upedness (I don't care if that's not a real word, it is now cause I used it so nyah), but I'm getting better.

Oranges are tasty. *munches happily on fat juicy orange*

I've been getting some good feedback on my wee tale, which is doing me wonders. I have this horrible tendency to get really down on myself with regards to my writing, and honestly I have no idea as to the root cause. Just one of those things I suppose. I've actually written very little since I came down with this cold, but my muse hath returned and a scribbling I shall go! No panic yet still, it's only the 7th and I can catch up to the average I should be at word count wise.

I had a link to a Toronto Star article and my own rebuttal here, but when I came in to edit it (have the link show up in one of the words), it got eaten somehow. I will redo it later, since it was pretty valid methinks. But the article in question is

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