Saturday, November 04, 2006

AHCHOO!!!! *Cough Cough Sniffle Wheeze*

By the end of today I should have 6668 words written. I have about half of that right now.

And I caught a cold, probably on the streetcar. I am congested, stuffed up, have a cough and puffy eyes. Blah. I did, however, manage to talk myself out of the old "It's not good enough, I need to fix what I've written, it's crap" that I was going through. It doesn't have to be perfect, that's not the point of this entire crazy month. The point is to release the creative muse and pour out the bones of a story and to try to hit 50,000 words, which really isn't the length of the standard novel.

Pefecting comes after a few edits, AFTER the bones are in place. The creative process is maddening, but I have to remind myself that right now it doesn't matter if an aspect of the story changed totally a few pages apart. That can be fixed later. (yes, I'm pretty sure I did

I guess its kinda like motherhood....there's no point in making your child a doctor when they're still a fetus. My story is an embryo right now. It needs to slowly form and develop, and yes, change a little here and there as the inspiration hits during the writing process, and I can't worry about it being a perfect little infant when it's no where near that point.

And I'm bloody sick. I'm going to try my damnest to hit 6668 words before I go to bed for the night. After a nap and some medication.


Anonymous said...

get some rest always better to clear your head otherwise your main charecter will be walking around in drag causing all of the problems instead of solving them~~grins~~ feel better.

Vamp said...

lol...Drake in drag? I can't see it....funny though it would I'm almost at 100% now, so things should move along at a good pace again.