Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Seven Days

Still can't get that "Vicious gang of Keep Left Signs" out of my head. Yes, I watch far too much Monty Python, right now I'm giggling non-stop over the idea of putting in a gang of wayward grannies.

Short entry today as I have a large amount of work at the office today. Shall update this eve!


Anonymous said...

Yep, I can see it now.

An organized crime syndicate ran by grannies and their notorious counterfeit coupon-book scheme. Hustling the clerks at Value Village. Meeting up at Denny's every day, bullying the waitress to turn the TV to Wheel of Fortune or 'there just might be an accident, Mildred did not wear her Depends today, if you catch my drift deary'. Then they waddle off like a flock of geese to get home before their 7 o'clock bed time, leaving quaking patrons and exact change in nickles dimes and pennies for the tips on the table behind them.

They're a roughshod bunch and no one gets in their way (they're far too slow for that).

Vamp said...


Good concept for a comedy shortstory, eh?

God Bless the Pythons.