Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Eight Days

So I think I got the word out about this blog to everyone. Note to self, Daddy and Daddy-in-Law will be reading, try to keep it PG. Well, as PG as I can given the plot of the story anyway....aw hell, ya'll know I'll be swearing.

I had emailed my friend Celeste yesterday with a rough outline of the plot I'm going to work with, she liked it muchly. So it's not a total loser plot afterall....Gods but I can be harsh on myself.

At any rate, I'm setting it right here in Toronto, because a) write what you know and b) I don't recall ever reading a novel set here. Well, apparently there's a graphic novel series set here, with much of the action centring around The Dance Cave, a nightclub in the Annex, but I've never gotten my hands on those.

Anyway, here's the rough plot:

Toronto's underground criminal element is under the iron grip of Drake, a mysterious 400 year old vampire who's origins no one is sure of. As well as Toronto proper, he has control of the GTA, most of Southern Ontario, and strong ties with Montreal and portions of New York State. The simple fact that organized crime is under the control of supernatural creatures such as vampires in most of the world, various governments have come together and set up a group of witches, psycics and other people with supernatural powers who work hand in hand with, and sometimes over, official organizations such as the FBI, Scotland Yard and CSIS, as well as local police. This is God's Gate.

Despite Drake's total control over his realm, a Japanese vampire who created the Yakuza (I'll change the name of this criminal group), wants to move in and take over like he did Vancouver.

Fearing a major and very public war between the two sides, God's Gate sends in Kellie Haas, a powerful witch, to go undercover within Drake's organization in an attempt to difuse the situation, or barring that, at least provide the necessary information to remove the key players...permanently. But she ends up in over her head, falling for Drake, and he her.

Hmmmmm....thinking on it now, and given the large Chinatown that Toronto has, perhaps I should switch from a Japanese style gang to the Chinese style Triad? Might make more sense, plus I get to use all that cool stuff one usually associates with mysterious Chinese groups.

I also have this horrible yet delicious temptation to set a key moment at the Air Canada Centre while a hockey game between the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Montreal Canadiens is going on......oh but that's so tempting! Hell, it's starting to form in my head. Perhaps I should research the layout of the ACC, since I've never had the privilage of going there.....


Anonymous said...

I think you may be right. Since it is local per se it should use all the elements in place already. I think it would help keep order with your thoughts and ideas too.

With all of it you have a lot of apsects and options at your disposal.

The synopsis sounds cool. I am all ready interested and intrigued.

Vamp said...

Chinatown it is then...lol...heck, I'm barely aware of a large enough Japanese community in Toronto to warrent the Yakuza as the rival group. Chinatown is massive and busy and crowded.

I also plan to use biker gangs periferally....lol.