Monday, October 30, 2006

Two More Days! ACK!!!!!!!

Two more days to NaNoWriMo and my stomach is twisting and turning in fear and anticipation.

I think I have everything together, enough to get started and run with it anyways. Main characters, secondary characters, plot, where I want plot to go, acceptance if plot goes in a different direction, setting, locations, mood....all that stuff. I have been trying to silence a character I created many years ago who does not fit into this story, but it's kinda hard. Heh. She's, well.....dominant.

I also find my mind running a few other stories, and I'm hoping they kinda stay to the side for the month. I'll let them out after Nov 30. I hope they listen to me.

I have not managed to finish all the knitting projects I had hoped to get done prior to the start of November, but now I'm looking at them this way...meditative knitting. The ones left on the needles are pretty simple and straightforward, no fancy lace or cable or intarsia. So I can, when blocked on the writing front, settle down with the yarn and sticks and as the yarn turns into a garment, I'll let my mind relax and find it's creative zone again.

Well, that's the plan anyway.

I'm still a little hungover from the wedding I went to on Saturday. I'm afraid to slip back in time and figure out how much I drank, but it was several big glasses of very tasty white wine, and I had a fantastic time. The bride and groom looked so very happy. It was in what we think is usually a gallery of some kind, right downtown. Small, funky and elegant. Congrats K & C and have a wonderful life together! (and I didn't bawl my eyes out unlike in September when my little brother got married.)

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