Friday, October 31, 2008

Kick Off Party

So last night was the Offical Toronto Nano Kick Off party, and a good time was had. I should know better than to order a grown up sized meal though, I can never finish the damned thing. (Oh, and note to self. Do not order a pot of tea in the evening. You will not sleep.)

I got to meet a few Nanoer's that I didn't meet last year (and one mother/daughter duo who taught me that right here in Toronto one can learn medieval archery and swordsmanship. Seriously. How kick ass is that?)

I took pictures, but as it turns out, I'm a terrible photographer. I hope I get better and soon!

Anyway, it's (does math) 8 hours and 15 minutes to the Offical Start Time of Nanowrimo (being that midnight is actually a brand spanking new day....and it will be Nov 1! YAY!!!!!) However, I won't actually be writing at midnight....see, Ghost Hunters Halloween Live starts at 7 pm on Space, and this is the first year we get it aired in Canada, and it's on until 2 pm. Yeah, a live 7 hour televised ghost hunt. I like Ghosts. :)

I wonder how many hats I can churn out in 7 hours?

(oh, and check out my blog roll, I've added many a nanoer!)


Anonymous said...

Hiya, its Morgaa from NaNo, we didn't meet but i was reading your post and I have always wanted to learn midieval sword fighting so I was hoping that you would and could pass on the name/nano screen name of the mother/daughter that you spoke to about that, Because I think that is Mega Awesome. lol. I can be reached through nano mail or through my blog


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good time at the "Kick Off Party", kind of sorry I missed it.
Thanks for adding me to your blog roll I will reciprocate, good luck. Gillian(Deadly Nightshade)