Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Writers Block and the Evil Inner Critic....or why I fell in love with the nuclear bomb......

here it is, Day 5 and I'm freaking BLOCKED!!!!!! I'm staring at the 8000 or so words I've already put out, and I'm blank. I cannot pull out what I have had running through my head the last few weeks. And what I have pulled out? I don't think it's good enough...or my Evil Inner Critic, who is NOT a nice person btw, doesn't think it's good enough. It's a mess.....bits and pieces that I have to connect up and I'm at a loss as to how to connect it up! Heck, 6 paragraphs are pure babble! An entire section of dialogue is so wooden you could build a bridge out of it and prove it's a witch (because, you know....witches are made of wood).


Why do I do this to myself? Why can't I beat the living daylights out of the Evil Inner Critic, smash down the wall that is Writers Block and just run with it? What is wrong with me???????????